Hello! We have the first open-source release of Soufflé for you. Key features are

  1. Continuous Integration / Travis support for Souffle

  2. Automatic packaging for Debian and MAC OS X platform.

  3. Multiple Header clauses, and disjunctions in bodies of clauses.

  4. BOOST’s C-preprocessor called wave adapted so that MAC OS X port is functional without a GCC installation.

  5. Nullary relations (i.e., relations with no attributes become attributes).

  6. Liberal identifiers in Souffle programs, e.g., A(?x,?y) :- B(?y,?x).

  7. Enable type declarations in Souffle’s components.

  8. Added bitwise and logical functors, and binary, and hexadecimal constants.

  9. Configuration files for Doxygen documentation.

  10. Numerous bug fixes in all parts of the system.