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Soufflé is extensible with user-defined functors. Functors are introduced via functor declarations. Functors are strongly typed and have a type signature. User-defined functors are implemented in C/C++ and are stored in a shared library, that will be loaded at evaluation-time. User-defined functors can be used in the interpreter and synthesiser.

There is a naive interface that uses C strings and primitive types and a stateful interface. The stateful interface exposes the state of the record and symbol table.

Functor Declaration

A functor declaration contains the name of the functor, the argument types, and the return type of the functor. A functor declaration has the following format:

.functor <name>(<name1>:<type1>,...,<name-k>:<type-k>):<type>

where the types <name-1><type-1>,...,<name-k><type-k> define the argument types of the functor, and <type> defines the return type. For functors that are not stateful, the type arguments and result type can only be primitive types (and their subtypes):

  • Symbol type: symbol
  • Number type: number
  • Float type: float

For example,

.functor f(a:number):number

introduces the user-defined functor f that has a single number argument and returns a number as a result.

Invocation of User-Defined Functor

The user-defined functors have the prefix-notation, i.e.,


For example,

// introduce new functor f: number -> number
.functor f(x:number):number

.decl A(x:number) 
.output A
A(@f(i)) :- A(i), @f(i) < 100.

declares a user-defined functor with name f. The functor has a number as an argument and produces a number as a result.

Implementation of User-Defined Functors

User-defined functors can be implemented in C++ (other languages could be used if they support an external C/C++ interface). There are strong execution requirements when user-defined functors are implemented. If these requirements are violated, the execution of Soufflé programs cannot be guaranteed.

The properties of the functor implementation are the following:

  • The implementation of a functor must return the same return value for the same input arguments. The functor implementation may have state but must follow strict pure functional semantics. For example, a functor cannot produce random numbers, however, f(x) = x + 1 would be a valid functor.

  • The implementation of a functor must be reentrant. Soufflé is highly parallel and several threads may execute the implementation of a user-defined functor in parallel. Pthread synchronisation techniques may be required for the implementation.

  • By default a single shared-library libfunctors.so in the current folder contains all user-defined functors. Custom libraries may be used by starting souffle with -l<libraryname> and -L<library path>, e.g. souffle -lfunctors -lmorefunctors a.dl. Note that these options must precede the Datalog file in the command line. The environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH can also be used to specify library paths for the shared functor library. If you use Soufflé to compile a standalone executable, the path for dynamic dlls may still be required at execution time, so LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be specified for the executable to run.

  • The name of the user-defined functor must be a C-linkable name (not a C++ linkable name). For example, if the user-defined functor f is declared, the shared-library must have a function f in the shared library with a C style argument passing mechanism.

For example, we can implement the user-defined functor in C++ with the following code:

#include <cstdint>
extern "C" {

int32_t f(int32_t x) {
    return x + 1;

const char *g() {
    return "Hello world";


for the functor declarations

.functor f(x:number):number
.functor g():symbol

Number types are implemented as int32_t and symbol types are implemented as const char *. The float types are by default implemented as C float (or as C double if configured with --enable-64bit-domain). In Linux, a shared library can be generated with the following instructions:

g++ functors.cpp -c -fPIC -o functors.o 
g++ -shared -o libfunctors.so functors.o 

Assuming that the source code of the user-defined functors is stored in the source file functors.cpp. The export command ensures that either the Soufflé interpreter or the generated executable can find the shared library.

If you are on the MAC OS X system, you need to create an additional dynamic library. For the creation of the dynamic library, use following instructions:

g++ functors.cpp -c -fPIC -o functors.o 
g++ -shared -o libfunctors.so functors.o 
g++ -dynamiclib -install_name libfunctors.dylib -o libfunctors.dylib functors.o

Stateful User-Defined Functors

Soufflé exposes the symbol and record table to a stateful user-defined functor. A stateful functor can access and manipulate these tables for symbols and records.

For example, the following line

.functor mycat(a:symbol, b:symbol):symbol stateful

declares the stateful user-defined mycat functor in the Soufflé program. The C++ implementation is shown below:

extern "C" { 
 souffle::RamDomain mycat(souffle::SymbolTable* symbolTable, souffle::RecordTable* recordTable,
        souffle::RamDomain arg1, souffle::RamDomain arg2) {
    assert(symbolTable && "NULL symbol table");
    assert(recordTable && "NULL record table");
    const std::string& sarg1 = symbolTable->decode(arg1);
    const std::string& sarg2 = symbolTable->decode(arg2);
    std::string result = sarg1 + sarg2;
    return symbolTable->encode(result);

The first two parameters are pointers to Soufflé’s symbol and record table. Although the two arguments of the functor are symbols, only the ordinal numbers are passed on when the functor is called. To implement a concatenation, the ordinal numbers must be converted to strings first using the decode() method. The return value must be an ordinal number as well, hence the result of the concatenation is converted to an ordinal number using the encode method.


Stateful functors require a similar conversion between records and their ordinal numbers.

.functor myappend(x:List):List stateful
.type List = [x:number, y:List]
.decl L(x:List)
L(@myappend(l)) :- L(l), l = [x, _l1], x < 10.
.output L

The C++ implementation has direct access to the record table:

souffle::RamDomain _myappend(
        souffle::SymbolTable* symbolTable, souffle::RecordTable* recordTable, souffle::RamDomain arg) {
    assert(symbolTable && "NULL symbol table");
    assert(recordTable && "NULL record table");
    if (arg == 0) {
        // Argument is nil
        souffle::RamDomain myTuple[2] = {0, 0};
        // Return [0, nil]
        return recordTable->pack(myTuple, 2);
    } else {
        // Argument is a list element [x, l] where
        // x is a number and l is another list element
        const souffle::RamDomain* myTuple0 = recordTable->unpack(arg, 2);
        souffle::RamDomain myTuple1[2] = {myTuple0[0] + 1, myTuple0[0]};
        // Return [x+1, [x, l]]
        return recordTable->pack(myTuple1, 2);

Note that the flag -fopenmp needs to be added for compiling the functor library in case OpenMPI is enabeled; it will cause unexpected crashes without the OpenMPI library.


In the following, we define user-defined functor declarations more formally using syntax diagrams and EBNF. The syntax diagrams were produced with Bottlecaps.

User-Defined Functors

A user-defined declaration starts with the keyword .functor followed by the name of the user-defined functor, its argument types, and its return type.

User-Defined Functor

         ::= '.functor' IDENT '(' ( attribute ( ',' attribute )* )? ')' ':' type_name 'stateful'?

Attribute Declaration

An attribute binds a name with a type.


attribute ::= IDENT ":" type_name 

Type Name

Soufflé has pre-defined types such as number, symbol, unsigned, and float. Used-defined types have a name. If a type has been defined in a component, the type can be still accessed outside the component using a qualified name.

Type Name

type_name ::=  "number" | "symbol" |"unsigned" | "float"  | IDENT ("." IDENT )*