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Soufflé is a statically typed language. The primary purpose of Soufflé’s type system is to help programmers writing correct rules. The proper use of rules becomes more complex when writing large software systems in Soufflé with hundreds of rules and relations. The type system assists the programmer to define types for relation attributes, whose usage in rules is checked statically. Static typing has the advantage that it does not have runtime overheads while evaluating a logic program.

Primitive Types

Soufflé has four primitive types:

  • Symbol type: symbol
  • Signed number type: number
  • Unsigned number type: unsigned
  • Float number type: float

The word size of a primitive type is 32 bits. The word size can be changed to 64 bits by appropriately configuring Soufflé using the configuration option (see Build Soufflé).

Symbol Type

The symbol type consists of the universe of all strings. Internally, a symbol is represented by an ordinal number. The ord functor determines the ordinal number of a symbol, e.g., ord("hello") gives the ordinal number for the symbol "hello" which can change from a run to another one.

Number Type

The number type consists of the universe of all signed interger numbers. The accepted range of numbers is given by the two’s complement scheme of the word size. The default range is fixed to the int32_t type covering the range [ -2^31 .. 2^31 -1 ]. However, the wordsize can be altered by a configuration flag in the configure script to int64_t.

Unsigned Type

The unsigned type consists of the universe of all non-negative integer numbers. The range is given by the word size. The default range is fixed to the uint32_t type covering the range [ 0 .. 2^32 ]. However, the wordsize can be altered by a configuration flag in the configure script to uint64_t.

Float Type

The float type consists of the universe of floating point numbers in the IEEE 754 Standard for Floating-Point Arithmetic. The precision of the floating point number type is given by the word size, i.e., 32 bit or 64 bit.

The following example shows the use of the primitive types:

.decl Name(n: symbol)

.decl Translate(n: symbol , o: number)
.output Translate
Translate(x,ord(x)) :- Name(x).

.decl Magic(x:number, y:unsigned, z:float)
.output Magic

Relation Name is a set of symbols; relation Translate has two attributes n and o of type symbol and number, respectively; relation Magic’s attributes are of type number, unsigned, and float.

Equivalence Types

You can define equivalence types in Soufflé using the directive .type <new-type> = <other-type> defining a user-defined type <new-type> that is equivalent to type <other-type>. For example,

.type myNumber = number

introduces the user-defined type myNumber that is equivalent to the primitive type number. The types myNumber and number can be synomiously be used.


You can define subtypes in Soufflé using the directive .type <new-type> <: <other-type> defining a user-defined type <new-type> that is equivalent to type <other-type>. If type <new-type> is a subtype of <other-type>, any term/expression of type <new-type> can be safely used in context, where a term of type <other-type> is expected, but not vice versa. For example,

.type myEvenNumber <: number

introduces the user-defined type myEvenNumber that is a subtype of the primitive type number. You can define subtypes of subtypes, e.g.,

.type myEvenNumber <: number
.type myMultiplesOfFour <: myEvenNumber

In Soufflé’s type system, we assume that the a subtype is a strict subset of its supertype. For example, in the above example we assume that myEvenNumber is a strict subset of all values of type number (i.e. it is not equivalent), and we assume that myMultipleOfFour is a strict subset of type myEvenNumber.

Ontologies with Base and Union Types

The sole usage of primitive types (and equivalent types) is hazardous for large projects. Binding wrong attributes via variable name bindings in rules is a common mistake in writing large logic code bases. Soufflé uses base types in the form of subtypes and union types to avoid wrong bindings. Base types are subtypes, and union types permit merging several base types or other union types. With base and union types, partial orders over subsets allow the formation of type ontologies.

Base Type

Base types are subtypes of primitive types. For example,

.type City <: symbol
.type Town <: symbol
.type Village <: symbol

defines base type City, Town, and Village. Although all three types are derived from the same primitive type symbol, they are distinct sets of symbols from the universe of possible symbols.

location types as a subset of the universe

Union Type

The Union type unifies types including base and other union types. We assume that all unified types are derived from the same primitive type. The union type declaration is given below

.type <ident> = <ident-1> | <ident-2> | ... | <ident-k>

where <ident> is the name of the user-defined union type and <ident-...> refers to the base and other union types used in the union type. For example, the union type Place

.type City <: symbol
.type Town <: symbol
.type Village <: symbol
.type Place = City | Town | Village

is the union of base types City, Town, and Village. The union type PostalCode,

.type PostCodes <: number
.type ZipCodes <: number
.type PostalCode = PostCodes | ZipCodes

unifies the base types PostCodes and ZipCodes.

In the following example, a union type is ill-defined,

.type Weekdays <: symbol
.type Dates <: number
.type Days = Weekdays | Dates // error: unified types origin from different primitive types

because Weekdays and Dates do not orginiate from the same primitive types.

Place as a union of the location types in the universe of symbols

In the following example, we show the use of a union type for a relation,

.type City <: symbol
.type Town <: symbol
.type Village <: symbol
.type Place = City | Town | Village
.decl Data(c:City, t:Town, v:Village)
Data("Sydney", "Ballina", "Glenrowan").

.decl Location(p:Place)
.output Location
Location(p) :- Data(p,_,_); Data(_,p,_); Data(_,_,p).

where the set Location can contain values from the subtypes City,Town, and Village.

There can be some pitfalls. As an example, consider the following code fragment:

.type even = number
.type odd = number
.decl A(x:even)
.decl B(x:odd)
A(X) :- B(X). // silent error 

In this example, the types even and odd are defined as equivalence types for number. Thus, they are effectively equivalent to type number, and no typing error will result from the rule stated for relation A, which copies odd numbers into an even domain.

When the aim of defining the two types even and odd was to enforce that those are two disjoint sets of integer values, the rule stated for A should trigger a type clash.

The above example will correctly produce a type clash

.type even <: number
.type odd <: number

.decl A(x:even)
.decl B(x:odd)
A(X) :- B(X). // error: type clash

In this example, even and odd are defined as two disjoint sub-types of the type number, each exhibiting its own domain of values. From this definition Soufflé can deduce that the users intention was to define two disjoint (non-overlapping) sets and will report an error for the rule in the last line. For logic programmers it is crucial to accurately model the categories of values in form of a type system – as has been illustrated by the example above.

Record Types

With a large code-base and/or a complex problem, it is convenient having more complex datatypes, including linked lists, trees, etc. Soufflé provides such an abstraction, which are typed records. The intuition of records is similar to Pascal/C. In logical languages it is also known as a functor/term; and a constructor in functional languages:

A record-type is defined as follows,

.type <new-record> = [ <name_1>: <type_1>, ..., <name_k>: <type_k> ]

where <new-record> is the name of the newly defined record. The record combines several values into a structured value. Records permit to hold complex data in tuple elements. A record type may rely on other record types and allow recursive type declarations.

An example record definition is given by

.type Connection = [
    from : Place,
    to : Place

defining values of ordered pairs of places. Each record type enumerates a list of nested, named fields and their types. Records may be nested as in

.type Cargo = [
    flight : Connection,
    mass : weight

as well as recursive, as in

.type Path = [
    first : Connection,
    rest : Path

Thus, a record may contain (directly or indirectly) fields of its own type. Every record type has the nil value. As a base case we can use the nil value to construct lists, e.g.,

.type List = [
    head : number,
    tail : List
.decl A(x : List)
.output A

Note that in rules, we use the bracket notation to describe a record as an argument. Consider another record example below,

.type IntList = [next: IntList, x: number]
.decl L(l: IntList)
L([r1,x+10]) :- L(r1), r1=[r2,x], x < 30.
.decl Flatten(x: number)
Flatten(x) :- L([_,x]).
.output Flatten

which transfers the lists into a set called Flatten.

Note that record types are supported by the I/O system. You can use the .input and .output directives to print tuples of relations with record elements. If a records contains another record, the whole record with all its composed records will be either read or written. Note that union types involving records and sub-typing of record types are currently not supported in Soufflé.

Algebraic Data Types (ADT)

Algebraic Data Types are extended versions of records, which permit several type shapes for an ADT. Each shape in the ADT we call a branch. A branch is defined similar to a record, however, it has a unique branch identifier.

A record-type is defined as follows,

.type <new-adt> = <branch-id> { <name_1>: <type_1>, ..., <name_k>: <type_k> } | ...

where <new-adt> is the name of the ADT. Each branch has a unique identifier <branch-id> followed by the fields in that branch. The fields of a branch are defined in curly braces.

Below is given an example for an ADT definition,

.type T = A { x: number }
        | B { x: symbol }

.type Nat = S {x : Nat}
          | Zero {}

.type Expression = Number { x : number }
                 | Variable { v : symbol}
                 | Add {e_1 : Expression, e_2 :Expression}
                 | Minus {e_1 : Expression, e_2 : Expression}
                 | Mult {e_1 : Expression, e_2 : Expression}
                 | Divide {e_1 : Expression, e_2 : Expression}

.type Tree = Empty {}
           | Node {t1: Tree, val: unsigned, t2: Tree}

Note that nil cannot be used for ADTs and termination branches for recursive definition must be expressed explicitly by the programmer.

In rules, branches can be constructed using the dollar sign followed by the branch identifier, i.e., $branch_constructor(args...). The following example demonstrate how branch constructors can be used in rules:

.type Expression = Number { x : number }
                 | Variable { v : symbol}
                 | Add {e_1 : Expression, e_2 :Expression}
                 | Imaginary {}

.decl A(x:Expression)
A($Add($Number(10), $Variable("x"))).
A($Number(x+1)) :- A($Number(x)), x < 20.

.output A

Note that a constructor can only be used for an ADT once. For example, the following type definition is illegal:

.type A = Number { x:number }
        | Symbol { v:symbol }
.type B = Number { x:number }  // error: reuse of branch identifier
        | Symbol { v:symbol }  // error: reuse of branch identifier

Since the branch identifier Number and Symbol are reused in the ADT B. One way to work around this is to use Components:

.type OuterType = Number { n: number }
                | Symbol { s: symbol }
.comp MyComponent {
	.type InnerType = Number { n: number }
                    | Symbol { s: symbol }
.init component = MyComponent
.decl Relation(x:component.InnerType)

Type Conversion

Soufflé permits type conversion of an argument using a functor notation. The type of argument <expr> is converted to a new type <new-type> using the type cast as(<expr>, <new-type>). The correctness of the cast is left to the user.

For example,

.type Variable <: symbol
.type StackIndex <: symbol
.type VariableOrStackIndex = Variable | StackIndex

.decl A(a: VariableOrStackIndex)

.decl B(a: Variable)

B(as(a, Variable)) :- A(a).

Converts the expression as(a, Variable) to an expression of type Variable although a is of type VariableOrStackIndex. Note that type casts between numbers and symbols are particular dangerous because strings for certain ordinal numbers may not exist. E.g., the fact A(as(1034234234, symbol). most likely will cause troubles in conjunction with an output directive since a symbol with ordinal number 1034234234 may not exist.

Type conversions cast the value to a new type without converting the value. For converting, a number stored as a string and vice versa we have the functors to_number, to_string, to_unsigned, and to_float.


In the following, we define type declarations in Soufflé more formally using syntax diagrams and EBNF. The syntax diagrams were produced with Bottlecaps.

Type Declaration

A type declaration binds a name with a new type. The type is either a subtype, an equivalence/union type, a record type, of an ADT.

Type Declaration

type_decl ::= TYPE IDENT ("<:" type_name | "=" ( type_name ( "|" type_name )* | record_list | adt_branch ( "|" adt_branch )* ))

Type Name

Soufflé has pre-defined types such as number, symbol, unsigned, and float. Used-defined types have a name. If a type has been defined in a component, the type can be still accessed outside the component using a qualified name.

Type Name

type_name ::=  "number" | "symbol" |"unsigned" | "float"  | IDENT ("." IDENT )*

Record Declaration

A record declaration consists of a list of attributes. Record declarations can be recursive.

Record Declaration

record_list ::= "[" attribute ( "," attribute)* "]"

ADT Declaration

An ADT consists of a several ADT branches. An ADT branch consists of a list of attributes which is associated with a branch identifier. The branch identifier must be unique in Soufflé.

ADT Branch

adt_branch ::= IDENT "{" (attribute ( "," attribute)*)? "}"

Attribute Declaration

An attribute binds a name with a type.


attribute ::= IDENT ":" type_name 

Legacy Syntax

The syntax of Soufflé changed over time. Older code bases can be still used with modern versions of Soufflé. In older versions of Soufflé we used

.number_type Even
.symbol_type Place
.type Town

to define base types. These definitions should be rewritten to the new syntax listed below,

.type Even <: number
.type Place <: symbol
.type Town <: symbol

You can enable the old legacy syntax using the command-line flag --legacy, but you will receive a warning that this legacy syntax is deprecated.